Sunday 8:00 AM
Our Sanctuary Choir sings for the 8:00 AM Mass on Sunday mornings with rehearsals once during the week. This choir sings a variety of repertoire ranging from Gregorian and English chant to modern polyphony. The choir sings from the weekend after Labor Day until the Feast of Corpus Christi and on Solemnities and Holy Days including the Sacred Triduum.
Young Catholic men in the 4th grade and above are invited to serve at Mass as altar servers. This would include the 4:00 PM Mass on Saturday and the 7:00 AM & 8:00 AM Masses on Sunday. There is also an opportunity to train to serve the Latin Mass on Sunday at 10:00 AM. The parish provides training. Call the parish office if interested
This group assists in preparing, decorating and caring for the liturgical environment within the worship space of our church throughout the year. A variety of tasks are involved and people of all skill levels are welcome. Contact parish office.
The greeters are stationed at various entrances and welcome people to our parish community. Couples, singles and families are welcome to participate in this apostolate. Contact the parish office if you are interested.
The Philomena Group has many areas of service, one is to maintain the sacristy of the church. They also will help train someone who is interested in becoming a sacristan. If you are interested, please contact Dee Giedinghagen at 816-315-8863 or by email deegee8910@gmail.com. This apostolate requires a few minutes before and after Mass to set up for the priest.
The ushers assist with greeting parishioners, helping them find places to sit, taking up collection, distributing bulletins and preparing the church after each Mass. Several ushers are needed at each Mass. Contact the parish office if you are interested.